Marketing knew discount coupons were a huge drawcard, but Stores couldn't validate them in real time - so coupon abuse and fraud was high.

Jockey was founded in 1876 in Kenosha Wisconsin and is now a household name across the western world.
But despite being a mature brand, their 200+ outlet mall stores across North America had equally mature PoS Hardware.
This old and inflexible PoS technology - still running Windows XP - meant a live internet connected PoS was out of the question.
That presented Jockeys Operations and Marketing teams with a conundrum. It was taking 2-3 weeks for Operations to get meaningful sales data back from the stores, so inventory was difficult to manage.
Marketing knew discount coupons were a huge drawcard, but Stores being offline meant they couldn't validate them in real time - so coupon abuse and fraud was high.
Jockey put this challenge out to US-based innovation marketplace Iterate to help solve. That introduction started a relationship that resulted in PiCo deploying their PiCoHUB IoT device to over 200 stores.
This enabled Jockey to see sales data as it happened and adjust for stock and trends in near real-time. Having a PiCoHub installed on every register also enabled Jockey to validate their coupon offers and campaigns in real-time.
An average month would see Jockey issue almost 3m coupons through email, catalogs and in-store promotions to drive traffic and increase basket size.
Some of these coupons were high value ‘win-back’ campaigns where coupon fraud would have lost Jockey millions if not validated in real-time.
PiCo was able to take the unique code from a coupon and validate it in real time, before replacing it with a new code that could be recognised by Jockeys ageing PoS system.